Fr. Andrija Kačić Miošić High School invites you to an international conference on Teaching Innovation as part of the Erasmus+ project Give value to nature
One Europe, different relationships of European cultures with nature. Ecosystem services and biodiversity under climate change
Venue: Tina Ujevića 1, 20340 Ploče (Croatia)
Date: 31th May – 1st June
About ValuingNature Erasmus+ Project
The International Conference
This International Conference is the result of the Erasmus+ ValuingNature Project, where all the intellectual products developed throughout the project will be shown. In addition, it aims to be a meeting point for educators, students and anyone interested in seeking new formulas in the field of education to reconnect students with nature, where proposals based on ecosystem services or the contributions of services to nature have gained prominence in recent years. Given its international character, it is intended to be a forum for the exchange of experiences of the relationships that the different European peoples, in their respective biogeographical regions, have with their closest nature.
Some topics covered by this event:
- human-nature relationships
- biodiversity
- climate change
- culture and environment
- environmental science
- ecosystem services
- nature
- multidisciplinary
Abstract submission
The organisers of the event encourage teachers, students and anyone interested in environmental education to present oral or poster papers on tasks, initiatives, activities, projects or programmes they are developing or have developed on the topics discussed at this international conference. All types of contributions are welcome.
Maximum length of 300 words
Types of Submissions
- Talks: 10 minutes + questions
- Poster: desirable size 120 cm x 80 cm
- Good practice
Submit your work on:
Important dates for abstract submission
- The submission is now open
- Closing date: 24th May
- Notification of acceptance: before 26th May
You can download konference Agenda here .
The place of event/Adress: Tina Ujevića 1, 20340 Ploče
Organizing Committee
Tina Cvijanovic – Srednja skola fra Andrije Kacica Miosica
Maja Bojanovic – Srednja skola fra Andrije Kacica Miosica
Ana Vlahov – Srednja skola fra Andrije Kacica Miosica
Ina Žderić – Srednja škola fra Andrije Kačića Miošića
Scientific Committee
- Victor Colino Rabanal – University of Salamanca (Spain)
- Fernando Rodríguez López – University of Salamanca (Spain)
- Javier L. Arnaut – Ilisimatusarfik – University of Greenland
- Roberto Rodríguez Díaz – University of Salamanca (Spain)
- Rikke Østergaard – Ilisimatusarfik – University of Greenland
Institutions involved
- University of Salamanca – Spain
- IES Aliste – Spain
- Liceul Korosi Csoma Sandor Covasna – Romania
- Utena A.Sapoka gymnasium – Lithuania
- Ilisimatusarfik – Greenland
- Zespol Szkol w Zychlinie – Poland
- Srednja skola fra Andrije Kacica Miosica Ploče